Sunday, January 17, 2010


1. Hey there, name's Gregor Hope-Murray and I am a Digital Film making student in my sophomore year. I was born in Reading, England and lived there for 10 years before I moved to Easton, CT. If you want to know which one i like more, the answer is still undecided.

2.Over the break my family and I went down to NYC to the Museum of Modern Art where they had an exhibit up showing a lot of Tim Burton's work. This experience was amazing and inspiring, at least for me. There were hundreds of sketches and models and videos of all the things he had done for movies, advertisements, and short films. The amount of time , effort, and passion he put into his work was so evident in the room that you just couldn't help but feel awed by it. Here is one of his short films that I got the pleasure of viewing while there.

3. One of the things that I love about today's media is that any bit of information that you could possibly want is a finger touch away. There is so little thought put into the searching process for information. The thing I don't like about it is the fact that so much information about me and what I do can be accessed. I don't like the idea that my anonymity can disappear without my realizing. One of the nice things about this though is that it does allow me to share some of my work with other people. This is a video I did for my Cinematography and Lighting final last semester. Feel free to tell me what you think, its hard for me to be critical of my own work.

>video will be up soon, waiting on internet to not be bad

4. As for career plans, well that has yet to be decided . I don't know what I want to do in my field and I'm trying to explore the options that I do have. I have a lot of loves for my field and asking me to stick to one is really hard. I'm probably not going to end up sticking to one and will probably end up moving around and doing a lot of different jobs.